2023年1月16日 星期一

樹蕃茄 (Tree Tomato, Tamarillo)


樹蕃茄 (Tree Tomato, Tamarillo)           黃慶三 (01/17/2023)



筆者註:2012 年拙作《蕃茄的故事 (A Tomato’s Story) 》,

https://blog.xuite.net/cshuang2/twblog/140173443 1祇放樹蕃茄在祕魯原產地的照片,文中却沒提及、討論它。前些日子友人女兒,從加州帶來一些樹蕃茄分享,特此加註。


                                        樹蕃茄 (攝於原產地秘魯)                           
                                                                                                                                 紅色樹蕃茄 (攝於台灣 )
樹蕃茄植株 (Amy Lin 攝於加州)

紫紅樹蕃茄 (By Janice Chang)

紅色樹蕃茄 (Wikipedia) 

黃色樹番茄 (Specialty Produce)2

樹蕃茄 (Tree TomatoTamarillo,學名 Solanum betaceum) 茄科 (Nightshade familySolanaceae),茄屬 (Genus Solanum) 一種小喬木或灌木,為蕃茄 (Tomato學名 S. lycopersicum) 的近親 (所以稱為「樹蕃茄」),原生於秘魯、智利、厄瓜多爾、哥倫此亞、和玻利維亞的安第斯山脈山區。果皮顏色有紫紅、紅色、及黃色。目前一些其他國家,例如南非、印度、美國、台灣、紐西蘭等等國家也多有種植。紐西蘭是出口最多的國家,主要出口對象是美國、日本、和毆洲。

最初紐西蘭也稱它爲樹蕃茄。爲了讓全世界知道並喜歡這種水果 (猶如奇異果 Kiwi一般) ,於是把蕃茄 (Tomato)、西班牙文的黃色 (Amarillo--樹蕃茄果肉為黃色、橘紅、粉黃色等)2,3 再加上毛利語 (Mori) 領導力(Tama) 這幾字,組合成  “Tamarillo” 這名辭,4希望這種富有營養的紐西蘭樹黃色番茄能在水果市場上,具有競爭力、和領導力,並利用奇異果銷售渠道來推銷。美國農業局 (USDA) 則在1913年引進,1915 年在加州奇科 (Chico) Plant Introduction Station 第一次開花結果。3

喜全陽或半遮陰、潮濕、排水良好、富含有機質、pH 5 8.5壤土。4樹蕃茄是種半木質、可長至3 5.5 公尺 (10 18 英呎) 高的小喬木或灌木,5 根淺,注意防風、或加支撑。爲亞熱帶植物,氣温需保持華氏50度以上。可用種子或插株法繁殖。一年半至兩年老植株,早春會開1/2  3/4 英吋直徑、芳香、粉紅色、小簇的花朵。可自花傳粉,生 2 4英吋長、約1.5英吋直徑樹蕃茄。

樹蕃茄壽命可達12年,4年老植株爲最高產期,每年每株可生產約40磅果實。4 果皮顏色有紫紅、紅色及黃色;黃色者最甜,紫紅、紅色者較酸澀。3,6 果實富含維生素、葉酸 (Folate)、及鐵。新鮮、剛採者風味最佳,但可保存於冰箱兩個禮拜。紐西蘭使用一種 “Cold-water dipping process”,可在室温保鮮610個禮拜。4 除了鮮食、沙拉外,樹蕃茄也可做果醬、薩爾薩醬 (Salsa)、及烹煮 (有如蕃茄) 等。果期後可修剪,因明年花開在新枝上,且可保持適當高度及樹型。

依據 California Rare Fruit Growers 網站,3  一些常見的栽培品種 (Cultivars) 爲:

(1). Ecuadorian Orange: Fruit is medium orange in color, the size of a large hen’s egg. Pulp light orange, creamy in texture, less acid than the Ruby Red. Excellent for eating out of hand and also suited for culinary purposes.

(2). Goldmine: A superior cultivar originating in New Zealand and recently introduced. Very large golden-yellow fruit with golden, highly flavored flesh, less bland than Solid Gold, but not acidic. Has superb earing qualities.

(3). Inca Gold: A yellow-fruited cultivar said to be less acid than the red types. When cooked the fruit is said to resemble the apricot in flavor.

(4). Oratia Red: A large fruited red cultivar, oval to rounded in shape, with a sharp acid flavor.    Good quality for eating out of hand and excellent for jams and preserves.

(5). Rothamer: Unusual large fruit, over 3 ounces. Skin bright red. Flesh golden-yellow, flavor  sweet and exotic. Seeds dark red. Ripen from December to April. Delicious eaten out of hand. Vigorous and heavy bearing plant. Originated in San Rafael, Calif.

(6). Ruby Red: Large, brilliant red fruit. Pulp dark red, tart and flavorful. Fair for eating out of hand, but very good for culinary use. If allowed to ripen for one to three weeks after picking, they will become less acid. The standard cultivar grown for export in New Zealand.

(7). Solid Gold: Large, oval shaped fruit. Skin golden-orange in color. Pulp soft, less acidic in flavor than Oratia Red. Very good for eating out of hand, with acceptable culinary qualities.

(8). Yellow: Fruits the size and shape of a large plum. Skin yellowish orange. Flesh yellow, with a milder flavor than the red types. The yellow form is the oldest in cultivation in New Zealand.

